Alexander Schoenberg


Alexander Schönberg, born in 1982, studied mechanical engineering in the field of production technology at the RWTH Aachen University starting in 2003. He worked at the Laboratory of Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of RWTH Aachen University first as a supporting scientist with a focus on Machine-Vision since 2005. Starting in 2008 he has been working as a research employee in the field of Large-Volume Metrology assisted Assembly establishing so called global referencing systems. Since 2013 he has been responsible for integrating optical sensing in automated production systems as developer informatics in the imaging team of FFT.
Mike Wehn, born in 1973, is responsible for project realization and technology development in the FFT Aviation department. He has been working since 20 years in the robot the automation industry and is patent developer for FFT Stringer assembly solutions.